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General and Reference Works; African Studies
Index of African-published journals covering agricultural sciences, science and technology, health and social sciences. Includes TOCs, abstracts, and links to online full-text where available. Backfile maintained for five years. Document delivery service available. Registration required.
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General and Reference Works; African Studies
Online catalog of the the library collection of the African Studies Centre, Leiden. Includes annotated citations to journal articles and listing of books chapters from works acquired since 1988.
Corporate Author:
Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum.
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African Studies; Feminist Studies; General and Reference Works
"This English language database contains over 22,000 citations from 1986 to current ... This database is the outgrowth of a three volume work published in 1989 by Greenwood Press that indexed materials on African Women published during the International Women's Decade, 1975-1985."--About this database page.
Bullwinkle, Davis.
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News; American History; Race and Ethnicity
A compilation of African American newspapers taken from the America's historical newspapers collection
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American Literary Studies; Race and Ethnicity
"The early history of African American poetry, from the first recorded poem by an African American (Lucy Terry Prince's 'Bars Fight', c.1746) to the major poets of the nineteenth century, including Paul Laurence Dunbar and Frances Ellen Watkins Harper."
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African Studies; General and Reference Works
This database provides users with access to more than two million records, including South Africa studies and African studies and a number of other multi-disciplinary databases. Coverage is from the nineteenth century to present-day and is updated quarterly.
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American History; American Literary Studies; Race and Ethnicity
"Created from the Library Company of Philadelphia's acclaimed Afro-Americana Collection - an accumulation that begain with Benjamin Franklin and steadily increased throughout its entire history - this unique online resource provides researchers with more than 12,000 printed works. These essential books, pamphlets and broadsides, including many lesser-known imprints, hold an unparalleled record of African American history, literature and culture. This collection spans nearly 400 years, from the early 16th to the early 20th century. Critically important subjects covered include the West's discovery and exploitation of Africa; the rise of slavery in the New World along with the growth and success of abolitionist movements; the development of racial thought, including political protest and resistance to racism; descriptions of African American life -- slave and free -- throughout the Americans; and slavery and race in fiction and drama. Also featured are printed works of African American individuals and organizations."
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search.ebscohost.com + 1 more source
Biology; Medicine; Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Economics and Business; Earth Sciences
AGRICOLA serves as the catalog and index to the collections of the National Agricultural Library. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences. AGRICOLA is organized into two data sets. The NAL Public Access Catalog contains citations to books, audiovisuals, serials, and other materials. The Article Citation Database contains citations, many with abstracts, to journal articles, book chapters, reports, and reprints.
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife
AGRIS is an international, multilingual bibliographic database covering all aspects of agriculture. It is compiled from contributions of more than 160 national and international centres.
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The AIAA Electronic Library contains more than four decades of technical information and documents on aerospace technology, engineering, science and the most important developments and research in air and space history. Searchable through the AIAA Electronic Library are: all the meeting papers from all the AIAA conference proceedings from 1963 onwards, AIAA jourrnals contents and the IAC Archive.
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French and Italian Studies; Social Sciences (General); Language; General and Reference Works
Citation database containing journal articles from Italian academic journals covering the humanities and social sciences, classified using the Basis Classification in German and Italian.
AIDA (Online)
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AIDSinfo is a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) project providing information on HIV/AIDS clinical trials and treatment. It is the result of merging two previous DHHS projects: The AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service (ACTIS) and the HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service (ATIS). It is a central resource for current information on federally and privately funded clinical trials for AIDS patients and others infected with HIV. "Aimed at HIV/AIDS patients, the general public, health care providers, and researchers, this easily navigated site provides a central source for information on clinical trials for patients with HIV and AIDS, federally approved HIV treatment and prevention guidelines, and medical practice guidelines. By clicking on the "Drugs" link, users can locate information on anti-HIV medications, including side effects, dosages, and interactions with other drugs or food. The site also provides access to brochures, fact sheets, and other web resources on HIV/AIDS, downloadable copies of current and archived versions of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services guidelines, and a searchable glossary, available in both English and Spanish, of HIV/AIDS-related terms. A useful resource for anyone seeking in-depth information on this topic."--"Best Free Reference Web Sites 2003, " RUSA Quarterly, Fall 2003; reviewed March 6, 2003.
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Medieval Studies; Religious Studies; Philosophy
There is no truly complete edition of Albert the Great (ca. 1200-1280) works, and the age and the rarity of the most complete one (Opera omnia, ed. A. Borgnet, Paris, 1890-1899, itself based on Opera omnia, ed. P. Jammy, Lyon, 1651) render it hard to access for many scholars. The new critical edition (sometimes called Editio Coloniensis), begun in 1951 led by the Albertus-Magnus-Institut of Bonn, offers a much more reliable text but will not be completed before many more decades. Scholars can use the present website in order to : 1) download image files (.pdf) of all of Albert's works which can be found in the Borgnet edition as well as the 21 volumes of the Jammy edition, in addition to a few other writings which have been edited individually and which, like the Borgnet and the Jammy editions, are too old to be covered by copyright law; 2) search electronically 24 of those works, using a search engine which is endowed with boolean operators and which gives access to more than 4.1 million words (corresponding to more than 10000 pages in print); 3) browse those same 24 works on line.
Works. 2009
Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-1280 author.
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Economics and Business; Government Information: United States; Political Science
ALFRED® allows you to retrieve vintage versions of economic data that were available on specific dates in history. In general, economic data for past observation periods are revised as more accurate estimates become available. As a result, previous vintages of data can be superseded and may no longer be available from various data sources. Vintage or real time economic data allows academics to reproduce others' research, build more accurate forecasting models, and analyze economic policy decisions using the data available at the time.
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General and Reference Works
Registry of Web resources that list or provide access to the full title of journal abbreviations or other types of abbreviated publication titles (e.g., conference proceedings titles). Selected OPACs that offer abbreviated title searching have also been included.
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African Studies
"Posting over 700 stories daily in English and French and offering a diversity of multi-lingual streaming programming as well as a 400,000-article searchable archive (which includes the archive of Africa News Service dating from 1997)."
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Earth Sciences; Engineering
Allows subscribers to explore, search and view more than 11,000 binary and ternary phase diagrams and associated phase data for more than 2400 systems from their Web browsers.
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Economics and Business; Environmental Studies
News, deals, company profiles, and reports related to alternative energy
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News; Sociology; Race and Ethnicity; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies; General and Reference Works
Alternative press index (CD-ROM)
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